“Pray for Me,” the new Psychology Today blog featuring posts about prayer research and discussions from the New Directions in the Study of Prayer initiative, is up and running. The first post on praying atheists is featured in the magazine’s “essential reads.”
Kevin Ladd has contributed a wonderful piece on how prayer is more than a slot machine. It will run soon. Others by me and interested New Directions in the Study of Prayer participants will follow. Some posts may extend into pieces for the Psychology Today print edition, as well.
Headlined “Do Atheists Pray?,” the first post is the first of several on the prayers of those who don’t believe.
Do atheists and agnostics pray? Yes, indeedy. Quite a bit it turns out. Six percent of them pray every day, we’re told by the Pew Research Center. And 11 percent pray weekly or monthly.
If no one is there, you might ask, who are they praying to? Let me guess.
Read the rest of the post, here. And drop by “Pray for Me” regularly for the latest installments.