Reverberations is a digital project of the Social Science Research Council’s program on Religion and the Public Sphere and its New Directions in the Study of Prayer (NDSP) initiative, which aims to generate innovative research on practices of prayer and to build an interdisciplinary network of scholars engaged in the study of prayer. NDSP currently funds twenty-eight scholars and journalists conducting research on practices of prayer throughout the world through a grants program supported by funding from the John Templeton Foundation.
While contributions to Reverberations are generally by invitation, we welcome inquiries and suggestions. Except where otherwise noted, content published by Reverberations on or after January 1, 2014, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. This license permits the copy, distribution, and display of such content as long as the user provides proper attribution for the work, including author, title, and a link to the original post at Reverberations. The license does not permit users to adapt the content or to use it commercially. For all undated content and all content published prior to January 1, 2014, please contact the editors to ensure that there are no legal restrictions on the use of the material in question.